Overview of sven

Here you can see the current active missions and owned keys of sven.
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Active Missions

No active missions found.

Owned Keys

LocationShort NameLong NameSpare Count
Ban PaBP ElderRmBP Elder's Room KeyNone
Ban PaBP HutBan Pa Fishing Hut KeyNone
Ban PaBP WareBan Pa Warehouse KeyNone
Blue LagoonBL OfficeBlue Lagoon Office Storage KeyNone
Blue LagoonBL ShackBlue Lagoon Shack KeyNone
Fort NarithA103Fort Narith Barracks A103 KeyNone
Fort NarithC101Fort Narith Barracks C101 KeyNone
Fort NarithFN ArchFort Narith HQ Archive KeyNone
Fort NarithFN SR OfcFort Narith Shooting Range Office KeyNone
Hunter's ParadiseHP 101Hunter's Paradise Motel Room 101 KeyNone
Hunter's ParadiseHP 102Hunter's Paradise Motel Room 102 KeyNone
Hunter's ParadiseHP BunkHunter's Paradise Bunker KeyNone
Hunter's ParadiseHP WepHunter's Paradise Weapon Storage KeyNone
Kiu VongsaKV AtticKiu Vongsa Restaurant Storage KeyNone
Kiu VongsaKV DocKiu Vongsa Doctor's Office KeyNone
Kiu VongsaKV MotelKiu Vongsa Motel Room KeyNone
Pha Lang AirfieldPLA H03Hangar 03 KeyNone
Pha Lang AirfieldPLA StrgPha Lang Airfield Storage Office KeyNone
SawmillSM OfcSawmill Office KeyNone
SawmillSM StrgSawmill Storage Shed KeyNone
SawmillSM ToiSawmill Toilet KeyNone
Tiger BayTB UNDrmUNLRA Dorm Container KeyNone
Tiger BayTB UNQrUNLRA Quarantine KeyNone
YBL-1YBL BedYBL-1 Bedroom KeyNone
YBL-1YBL Ofc1YBL-1 Office Key 01None
YBL-1YBL Ofc2YBL-1 Office 02 KeyNone